Jardín Infantil Vida Nueva


The website of the kindergarten presents information in a thematic way about the Jardín Infantil Vida Nueva, its programs, spaces, levels, teachers, etc. Through the web page the user can contact the director of the kindergarten and get to know in general what the kindergarten offers.


This website was made in conjunction and communication with the client, listening to their ideas and suggestions to start from an initial mockup, which underwent several modifications in the course of the project. As a result, we started to create a final design with which we would be to be faithful to when it was time to start developing.

Finally, after taking the design to code, a new testing was done with the client to know which aspects would be reworked to know which aspects would be touched again, making the final changes to take the web to the air and according to what the client wanted.

Technologies Used:

html-icon css-icon javascript-icon python-icon payara-icon

Learn about the project

If you want to visit Jardín Infantil's website, click here.

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